General introduction to the ATDB databases
V5 QueryBuilder
Find 1 or few aircraft
- by registration
- by military serial
- by MSN
- by Sel-Cal code or ICAO 24-bit address
- use jokers for fuzzy search
- by aircraft type and registration
- by aircraft type and MSN
Find a list of aircraft
- by aircraft type, version or model
- by manufacturer name
- add filter on MSN range
- add filter on manufacture or delivery date
- add filter on airframe status
- add filter on engines
- add filter on base country or region
- add filter on airport of storage, part-out
Find a census for an aircraft type
- for one or several aircraft types, version or model
- breakdown by airframes status
- historical and planned deliveries
- breakdown by geographical region
- available airframes for sale or lease
- top operators
- top leasing companies
- new aircraft orders and used transactions
Find aircraft operators, owners or lessors
- search by company name, IATA or ICAO code
- add filter on company type: airlines, air forces, leasing companies, ..
- filter by company status, nationality or region
- filter by type of aircraft in use or in portfolio
Find subfleets or operators fleets
- by operator name and aircraft type, version or model
- add filter by aircraft status and ownership level
- retrieve historical snapshots
- expand to filtered list of aircraft used by specific operator
Find portfolios of leasing companies
- for specific leasing companies or lease managers
- for owner trustee or bank
- for specific part-out companies
Find airports
- by city or airport name
- by IATA or ICAO code
- by country or geographical coordinates
- retrieve details and maps
- retrieve list of stored aircraft
Find specific events
- new aircraft orders
- split by aircraft type or manufacturer
- used aircraft transactions
- recent events linked to a specific airline
- safety events
- filter by type, airport, country or region
Why subscribe ?
- first time visitors always welcome
- limited data access for visitors
- choose a subscription level
- features comparison charts
- competitive advantages
- trial subscriptions available
Choose a payment method
- secure online payment servers for immediate access: Paypal
- alternate payment channels
- requesting invoices
- buyer protection and refund warranty
- user agreement and privacy statement
Subscribe Now !
First access
- no specific technical prerequisites
- your access codes
- receiving assistance from ATDB Support
- lost access codes
- set your preferences
- review your previous sessions and queries
- update your profile and contact information
- customize your daily event alerters
- access Airways News Online
- renew or upgrade your subscription
Data coverage and accuracy
- extents of data supplied
- geographical coverage
- historical coverage
- how often is the database updated ?
- information sources used by ATDB
- disclaimer
Contact ATDB
What's New ?
- what's new ?
- versions history
- future plans
Architecture, infrastructure and reliability
- intranet vs. internet databases
- ATDB datacenters
- emergency mirror sites
Marketing and Press
- Corporate and technical presentations
- Recent corporate ads
- Press releases
- Special projects
- ATDB partners
- Job opportunities
- Links of interest
Other ATDB services
- Weekly Events Monitor
- Global Airlines Directory
- Synchronization Gateways
- Professional Services
- Photographic Archives
- Scans on Request
- Wireless Access
- Sponsored Pipelines
- Discontinued products
Q & A sections
- General tips and advices
- Abbreviations used
- My Account
- Navigation
- Data retrieval
- Technical