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Il-76T (ER-IBZ, msn 83414432) put in storage by Aerotrans Cargo
MD-11F (B-2178, msn 48543) put in storage by China Cargo Airlines,returned to Top Flight Lsg
MD-11F (B-2177, msn 48544) put in storage by China Cargo Airlines,returned to GECAS
B.777-35R(ER) (HS-TKG, msn 35157) put in storage by Thai Airways International, returned to Delaware A/c Lease 2007-B Llc/Fleet Ireland A/c Lease 2007-B Ltd; for Jet Airways
B.777-35R(ER) (HS-TKH, msn 35158) put in storage by Thai Airways International, returned to Delaware A/c Lease 2007-B Llc/Fleet Ireland A/c Lease 2007-B Ltd; for Jet Airways
B.777-35R(ER) (HS-TKJ, msn 35161) put in storage by Thai Airways International, returned to Bishopsgate A/c 2008 Ltd, Dublin; for Jet Airways
A300B4-203(F) (TC-ACE, msn 154) put in storage by MyCargo Airlines(last A300)
A300B4-203(F) (TC-ACU, msn 183) put in storage by MyCargo Airlines
A300B4-605R(F) (B-2306, msn 521) put in storage by China Cargo Airlines, returned to China Eastern Airlines; sold to CALC for European carrier
A300B4-622R(F) (A7-ABX, msn 554) put in storage by Qatar Airways
A300B4-622R(F) (A7-ABY, msn 560) put in storage by Qatar Airways
A300B4-622R(F) (A7-AFB, msn 614) put in storage by Qatar Airways