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New Operator: Rainbow Air in VENEZUELA (equipment: An-26B)
New Operator: Al Sayegh Airlines in KYRGYZSTAN (planned equipment:8 A320)
New Operator: Albatros Avia in UKRAINE (equipment: Il-76MD)
New Operator: Anka Air in TURKEY (reorganization of World Focus Airline)
New Operator: OpenSkies in UNITED KINGDOM (planned equipment: 6 ex-BA 757-200)
Operators - major Events
Loganair: Announced 14/1/08 that franchise agreement has been concluded with FlyBE and will trade as such from 26/10/08.
Operators - Closed down
Golden International Airlines: AOC suspended 12/06 since airline did not acquire a second aircraft after 3 months of starting, expecting to resume in 3/08.
Aero Airlines: Will shut down 6/1/08 as operations are taken over by Finncomm Airlines.