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DHC-8-102 (6Y-JED, msn 50) put in storage by Air Jamaica Express, rented from CIT Aerospace
DHC-8-102 (6Y-JEB, msn 59) put in storage by Air Jamaica Express, rented from CIT Aerospace
DHC-8-102 (6Y-JMT, msn 104) put in storage by Air Jamaica Express,rented from AeroCentury
DHC-8-102 (6Y-JMZ, msn 110) put in storage by Air Jamaica Express,rented from AeroCentury
DHC-8-311 (B-15221, msn 325) put in storage by Uni Air, rented from AeroCentury
DHC-8-311 (B-15223, msn 404) put in storage by Uni Air, rented from AeroCentury
C-47B-DK (ZK-AWP, msn 33135) put in storage by Pionair Adventures,rented from Flight 2000 Ltd
Out-of-Storage, Conversions
B.747-236B (G-BDXE, msn 21350) returned into service with European Aircharter
Il-96-300 worldwide fleets returned into service (were grounded 23/8/05)
A319-112 (N320NP, msn 1494) returned into service with Blue Moon Aviation, rented from SALE (AOC transferred from Frontier Airlines to Aerodynamics Inc)
B.737-2S3 (LV-YGB, msn 22633) returned into service with Southern Winds, rented from GECAS
Ex-United B.737-322 (D-AGEB, msn 24320) delivered to DBA, rented from Germania Fluggesellschaft