This page lists all high-level entities storing ATDB records.
ATDB online reports output the data records in tabular form to answer most common queries.
Customized reports or direct API calls can be produced by ATDB Professional Services.
Main base airport (or legal HQ for non-operating entities)
Year when company was created
Year when company ceased operations or was renamed or merged
Safety flags (for airlines listed in EU black list, FAA IASA, IATA IOSA)
Company general history description including: ownership, shareholdings, alliances,
certification dates (AOC)
Link to next company (when this company was later renamed or merged)
Date when each record was last modified
Contacts for airlines and leasing companies; 50,000+ entries
Company legal name
Address of main offices
IATA numeric account number
ICAO/ATC call sign
Main SITA code
Main AFTN/ARINC code
Internet website
Senior management (Name, Position, Effective and termination dates)
Stock exchange symbol
Company logo (including historical logos)
Date when each record was last modified
Aircraft Types
ATDB monitors all transport aircraft types with 30-seat or equivalent freight payload.
Biz-jets and smaller commuter types below 30 seats: soon added ! 5,300 entries
Manufacturer name
Production name (aircraft type, e.g. Boeing 737)
Aircraft sub-type (eg. 737-400)
Aircraft model designation (eg. 737-430)
Aircraft conversion designation (eg. 737-430F)
(ATDB uses a 4-level designation hierarchy as shown above to allow queries from any level)
Trust (eg. Wells Fargo Bank Northwest; in most cases ATDB details the real owner)
Transaction dates where the aircraft ownership is changed during the operation period
Disposal information (where the aircraft is sold to third parties after it became inactive)
Financing arrangements (where known)
Private end user (for aircraft configured for executive use)
Previous and next operators (from the previous and next history cards)
Total times at end of period (hours), or estimated value for currently active airframe
Total cycles at end of period (landings), or estimated value for currently active airframe
Inactivity flag (for periods where the aircraft is re-registered to a lessor but remains inactive)
Re-marketed flag and hyperlink (for aircraft offered for sale/lease through one ATDB partners)
Airport used for storage, part-out (and geographical information for accidents)
Cabin configuration:
count of seats in each class (executive / first / business / premium economy / economy)
count of pallets or payload weight for freighter aircraft
special-purpose configurations
Serial identification numbers and call signs used (mostly for military transport aircraft)
Sel-Cal code (ATC selective calls)
ICAO 24-bit identification (ADS-B Mode-S)
Additional remarks (eg. conversion details, special colour-shemes, operation for a global logistics company, etc)
Aircraft pictures (through ATDB partners)
Official registry information (from selected aviation authorities)
Date when each record was last modified
Countries and Territories
460+ entries
Usual country name
Official names in English and local official language
Includes non-sovereign territories allocated a specific ICAO or ITU code
Link to next country (if country was renamed or merged)
Registration prefixes allocated by ICAO (including historical prefixes allocations since the Paris Convention in 1929)
Official 2-letter and 3-letter ISO codes (ISO-3166)
FIPS code allocated and maintained by the US Department of State (FIPS 10-4)
State code (USA only)
Geopolitical regions (15 defined; for marketing and research purposes)
Phone dial prefix
Currency code
Territory capital city, size, boundaries and coastline, etc
ITU prefix and ITU prefixes range for radiotelephony (basis for ICAO allocations)
Safety flags (for countries in EU black list or FAA’s IASA program)
Date when each record was last modified
Airports and Airfields
All locations with an assigned IATA or ICAO code; 16,000+ entries
City name
Airport name (including historical names)
IATA code
ICAO code
FAA code (2016)
Q code (before 1945)
Country name (and state for USA)
additional information (runways descriptions, facilities, ATIS, ATC frequencies, METAR/TAF, etc)
are available through ATDB partners
New Aircraft Orders
12,000+ entries
Airline (or non-commercial customer)
Order date
Aircraft ordered: selected types, quantities of orders, options, reservations
Includes order conversions (from one model to another)
Includes LoI (Letter of Intent) and MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)
Includes announcements for “unidentified” customers where the customer name is undisclosed
Includes order cancellations
Includes contract value (as announced, or from “catalogue” prices)
Safety Incidents and Accidents
Includes all write-off's and significant incidents affecting asset value; 12,000+ entries
Event date
Aircraft Operator
Aircraft Co-Operator (for ACMI/wet-leases)
Aircraft Type
Manufacturer Serial Number
Event result: Write-Off, Repaired, or Currently being evaluated for repairs
Short description
Hyperlink to ATDB partners providing additional details on event
ATDB archives all published events since 2003; 82,000+ entries
Date of event
Date when event was published by ATDB
Event type, most significant are:
New Operator created (start-up airlines)
Major event affecting an operator (eg. renamed)
Existing operator closed down
Orders for New aircraft
Used transactions: aircraft sold to new operator or owner
Aircraft delivered
Aircraft sub-leased or returned from a sub-lease
Aircraft damaged or written-off
Announcement of planned aircraft type acquisition
Aircraft stored, returned to lessor, started being parted-out, terminated
Event description
Aircraft type/model
Manufacturer Serial Number (MSN)
Not all information and services are provided at all subscription levels
ATDB updates its databases several times a day, 365 days each year
To ask for a customized report which merges and/or aggregates some of these
data sets, or access to our API's for real-time access, please contact ATDB from the Help menu.
Random examples of merging and aggregating ATDB data to generate online queries or customized reports
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