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Profile for: Moskovia Airlines
3 companies in genealogy tree - [ Generate Excel ]

Moskovia AirlinesAviakompania Moskovia3RGAIRussiaMoscow-Zhukovsky2006-2014
Reorganized as 51% owned by Rosoboronexport and 49% by Russian Satellite LII (formerly Gromov LII). AOC suspended in 6/08 following the lost of An-12 RA-12957, later reinstated. Filed for bankrupcy in 2/14, continuing operations. AOC suspended effective 29/8/14 over financial problems, revoked on 8/12/14.
Gromov AirMoskovia Airlines3RLII;GAIRussiaMoscow-Zhukovsky1995-2006
Formed 21/8/95 by Flight Research Institute. Started trading as Moskovia Airlines in 2005 and name fully adopted in 5/06.
Flight Research InstituteLII Gromov/Letno-issledovatel'ski institut im.M.M.Gromova LIIRussiaMoscow-Zhukovsky1990-
Originally formed as MAP LII Zhukovsky.

Directory and Contact records for Moskovia Airlines
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Traffic and Financial data overview for Moskovia Airlines
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SubFleets for: Moskovia Airlines
23 subfleets - [ Generate Excel ]

  Fleet Timeline
all times
Avg Age
Moskovia ALIl-76Il-76T     11- 
Moskovia ALIl-76Il-76TD  1 123-
Moskovia ALB.767B.767-300(ER)     22-
Moskovia ALIl-62Il-62 ()     11-
Moskovia ALTu-154Tu-154B  1 156-
Moskovia ALTu-154Tu-154M     77-
Moskovia ALYak-40Yak-40 ()  1 1 1-
Moskovia ALB.737 ClassicB.737-400     11-
Moskovia ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-700     22-
Moskovia ALB.737 NG/MAXB.737-800     55-
Moskovia ALTu-134Tu-134A     1111-
Moskovia ALAn-74/148An-148   66410-
Moskovia ALRRJ95 (SSJ)RRJ95 (SSJ 100-95)     33-
Moskovia ALRRJ95 (SSJ)RRJ95B (SSJ 100-95B)     11-
Moskovia ALIl-18Il-18V     11-
Moskovia ALAn-12An-12 ()     11-
Moskovia ALAn-12An-12B     33-
Moskovia ALAn-12An-12BP  1 1910-
Moskovia ALAn-12An-12T     22-
Moskovia ALAn-30An-30 ()     11-
Moskovia ALAn-26An-26 ()     22-
Moskovia ALAn-24An-24B     11-
Moskovia ALAn-24An-24RV     22-
 TOTAL:  46106777-
 Use links above to drill down within a subfleet

All-times Fleets of Moskovia Airlines
Total number of aircraft: 77. Use link above to launch or links within above table for specific subfleets.

Airframes Profile for: Fleet list of Moskovia Airlines (current & planned only)
Airframes 1-4 of 4 - [ Generate Excel ]

Reg'nTypeMSNs/nEnginesMTOW Config Builtat1stFlight1stDelOperatorRegdDelParkedDeregdOwnersOpfOriginBecameStatusLast fltCanceledDestroyedRemarksTTTCSelcalHex
RA-88265Yak‑40 ()97220525220 RTW 1977-10-13Moskovia AL     ex CCCP‑88265 @ AeroflotStored ( at UUBW)Stored at UUBW   no titles, opf LII im.Gromova from 2001   
RA-78738Il‑76TD3344224732021983UTTP 1983-02-02Moskovia AL     ex CCCP‑78738 @ AeroflotStored ((in Volare c/s) at UUBW)Stored at UUBW   Aeroflot c/s, no titles  
RA-12194An‑12BK347203    1970Moskovia AL     ex Ukraine AF @ Ukraine AFStored ( at UUBW)Stored at UUBW     
RA-85851Tu‑154B‑2531 1982-02-17UWWG1982-03-1982-04-19Moskovia AL     ex HA‑LCU @ MalĂ©vStored ( at DME)Stored at DME    

Data in section above last updated on 10-Nov-2021 - [ Submit change ]

Current portfolios for Moskovia Airlines
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Additional information on Moskovia Airlines
New aircraft orders from Moskovia Airlines
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Safety accidents and incidents events for Moskovia Airlines
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V6 © 1997-2024 AeroTransport Data BankDB Updated: Wed 24 Apr 2024 16:59 UTC